1 品种来源及选育经过豫玉 2 7号是洛阳农科所 1 993年以自选自交系“独 32 1”为母本 ,外引选系“53选 3”为父本组配的玉米单交种。 1 994~ 1 995年在本所进行品种比较试验 ,1 996~ 1 998年参加河南省夏玉米套种组区试、生产试验 ,结果表明 ,豫玉 2 7号是一个超高产、稳产
1 Source of Variety and Breeding After Yuyu No.27 was the maize that Luoyang Institute of Agriculture held in 1993 with the self-selected inbred line “Dui 32 1” as the female parent and the exogenous lead system “53 selected 3” as the male parent Single cross 1 994 ~ 1995 in the species comparison test, from 1996 to 1998 to participate in Henan province summer maize interplanting group area test, the production test results show that Yu Yu No. 2 is a super-high yield, stable yield