
来源 :产业经济评论(山东大学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:scotty_zhao
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本文从我国高价车保有量占比相对于很多欧美发达国家都显得偏高的异常现象出发,分析提炼出了潜藏在我国汽车消费者消费行为背后的一种特殊心理现象——“面子”偏好。基于高价车燃料使用效率较高的假设,本文将新能源汽车归类于高价车,并借助一个考虑“面子”偏好的汽车需求数理模型系统深入研究了“面子”偏好对高价车需求的影响。我国汽车消费者在购车行为中确实体现出了显著的“面子”偏好,其需求价格弹性较小;燃料成本、保养维修成本以及其他使用成本的降低,贷款利率的降低能够增加需求,而工艺改善将会减少需求。 Based on the abnormal phenomenon that the proportion of ownership of high-priced cars in our country relative to that of many developed countries in Europe and the United States, this paper analyzes and extracts a special psychological phenomenon hidden behind the consumption behavior of automobile consumers in our country- “face” Preference. Based on the hypothesis that the high-fuel-efficient fuel use efficiency is high, this paper classifies the new-energy vehicles into high-priced vehicles and studies the influence of the “face-saving” preference on the high-priced vehicles by means of a mathematical model of the vehicle demand considering the “ The impact of demand. China’s car consumers do show a significant ”face-saving" preference in their car buying behavior, with less price elasticity of demand. Fuel costs, maintenance and repair costs, and other costs of use are reduced. The reduction in lending rates can increase demand, Process improvement will reduce demand.