煤层气的排采特性决定了进入采气管道的煤层气同时含有水和粉尘等颗粒杂质,气体在流动过程中的压降损失势必受到水和固体颗粒的影响。为此,利用试验环道模拟煤层气集输管道多相介质的流动特点,试验研究了气液两相和气固两相流动的压降特性,得出如下结论:煤层气采气管道气体流速应控制在4~8 m/s范围内,并应适当采取清管等措施,减少固相沉积物;采气管道水力计算可以忽略固体颗粒的影响而采用气液两相压降计算方法。
The coal-bed methane emission characteristic determines that the CBM entering the gas production pipeline contains both water and dust particles. The pressure drop in the gas flow will inevitably be affected by water and solid particles. Therefore, the characteristics of multiphase flow in a CBM gas gathering pipeline are simulated by the experimental circuit, and the pressure drop characteristics of gas-liquid two-phase and gas-solid two-phase flow are experimentally studied. The conclusions are as follows: Control in the range of 4 ~ 8 m / s, and should take appropriate measures such as pigging to reduce the solid phase sediment; gas pipeline gas pipeline calculation can ignore the impact of solid particles and the use of gas-liquid two-phase pressure drop.