大会议室里挤满了人,所有的目光都盯在电视屏幕上:我国的南极考察船正劈波斩浪。一个大浪打过来,人们的心揪紧了……,终于,五星红旗飘扬在极地上空,会议室里响起了欢呼声——这是我厂职工在收看新闻联播。为什么大家情绪这么激动?原来,我厂生产的船用发电机就装在南极考察船上。事实再次证明,我厂生产的船用发电机,性能优良,可靠耐用。岂止这些,看看吧,耸立在广州繁华街道的花园大酒店的全自动备用机组,首都机场的中频无刷发电机,被自来水工业战线的同志引为自豪的高效节能10KV 中型高压异步电动机……这些产品都是我厂制造的。
The big conference room was full of people. All eyes were on the TV screen: Our country’s Antarctic expedition ship was making waves. A big wave struck over and the people’s heart was strained.... Finally, the five-star red flag flew over the poles, and cheers rang in the conference room – this is the staff of our factory watching the news broadcast. Why is everyone so emotional? Originally, the ship’s generator produced by our factory was installed on an Antarctic research vessel. The facts prove once again that the marine generators produced by our factory have excellent performance, reliability and durability. Let’s stop at this, and take a look at the automatic standby unit at the Garden Hotel in Guangzhou’s Fanhua Street. The intermediate frequency brushless generator at the Capital Airport is a highly efficient and energy-saving 10KV medium-sized high-voltage asynchronous motor that is proud of the comrades of the tap water industry. These products are manufactured by our factory.