经过友好磋商 中国与欧盟5月 19日在京就中国加入世界贸易组织 达成双边协议。这标志着我国“入世”将进入最后的加入程序阶段。今年以来,全国“扫黄”“打非”行动连破重大案件,其中一批案件 的涉案金额高达千万元以上,沉重打击了不法分子的气焰,在全社会 产生广泛影?
After friendly discussions, China and the EU reached a bilateral agreement on China’s accession to the World Trade Organization in Beijing on May 19. This indicates that China’s accession to the WTO will enter the final phase of its accession process. Since the beginning of this year, the “anti-vice” campaign of “sweeping the yellow” and even breaking major cases in one country have hit a batch of cases involving more than 10 million yuan. They have dealt a heavy blow to the arrogance of criminals and have had a wide range of effects in society.