在这次有关网络门户讨论中,不少网友提出了中国的 ISP先不急着做网络门户,而应先建设网络社区的建议。其实网络社区并不是一个新概念。网络社区又称虚拟社区(Virtual Comunity)、网上社区,就是指网络团体聚集的地方。和现实生活中人们为了学习英语而自发形成英语角、爱好足球而形成球迷协会一样,如果一大堆人因为共同的兴趣,爱好甚至因为工作而在网上聚在一起,就会形成了一个网络团体,
In this discussion of the web portal, many netizens put forward the suggestion that China’s ISP should not rush to become a web portal but should first build an online community. In fact, the online community is not a new concept. Network community, also known as the virtual community (Virtual Comunity), online community, refers to the network where the community gathered. And in real life people in order to learn English and spontaneous formation of English Corner, like football and the formation of fans association, if a large group of people because of common interests, hobbies and even work together online, it will form a network of groups ,