稻谷的隔热材料压盖技术是结合粮膜密闭储藏和控温緒藏,利用隔热阻燃材料密闭粮面,使稻谷长期处在“三低”状态下的保粮方式,现已经得到广泛推广和应用。我库就如何做好对密闭的粮堆进行熏蒸杀虫和粮情检查等管理工作等问题做了初步探讨。 1 试验材料 1.1 试验仓为我库14号仓,跨度21m,设2组一机两道“U”型地上笼通风系统,粮堆高度4.3m。储存1999年晚籼稻谷998t,其出糙率77.6%,水分
Rice gland insulation material gland technology is combined with airtight storage of grain and temperature control of Tibet, the use of thermal insulation materials closed confinement, so that the rice in the long-term “three low” state of the food-saving mode, has been widely promoted and application. My library on how to do a good job on the closed grain heap fumigation insects and grain inspection and other management issues such as a preliminary discussion. 1 Test Materials 1.1 The test warehouse is a 14-storehouse warehouse with a span of 21m and two sets of two U-shaped ground cage ventilation systems with a height of 4.3m. Storage Late 1999 indica rice 998t, its rough rate of 77.6%, moisture