目的应用mt DNA中COI(348bp)、COII(637bp)及16Sr DNA(513bp)基因序列鉴定贵阳地区常见尸食性蝇类的种属。方法收集贵阳地区常见尸食性蝇类标本,经形态学分类鉴定后提取胸肌DNA,扩增COI(348bp)、COII(637bp)及16Sr DNA(513bp)基因片段,测序后用DNAMAN 4.0序列分析软件进行序列拼接,NCBI中的BLAST、MEGA 5.2软件包对所得序列分析建立种内及种间进化分歧率,并构建系统发育树。结果 COI种间平均进化分歧率为12.55%,种间范围在3.0%~18.6%,种内范围在0%~0.7%;COII种间平均进化分歧率为13.73%,种间范围在5.3%~21.6%,种内范围在0%~0.6%;16Sr DNA种间平均进化分歧率为4.54%,种间范围在0.4%~7.6%,种内范围在0%~0.4%。结论 COI、COII及16Sr DNA可用于尸食性蝇类的种属鉴定,该方法可作为传统分类方法的补充手段。
Objective To identify the common flies in the Guiyang area by using COI (348bp), COII (637bp) and 16Sr DNA (513bp) sequences in mt DNA. Methods The specimens of the necrophagous flies were collected from Guiyang. The breast muscle DNA was extracted and identified by morphological classification. The COI (348bp), COII (637bp) and 16Sr DNA (513bp) fragments were amplified and sequenced. DNAMAN 4.0 sequence analysis software Sequence stitching, NCBI BLAST, MEGA 5.2 software package for the sequence analysis of the establishment of intraspecific and interspecies evolutionary divergence rate, and the construction of phylogenetic tree. Results The average divergence rate among COI species was 12.55%, the interspecific range was from 3.0% to 18.6%, the intraspecific range was from 0% to 0.7%, the average divergence rate among COII species was 13.73%, and the interspecific range was from 5.3% The intraspecies ranged from 0% to 0.6%. The average divergence rate of 16Sr DNA was 4.54%, the interspecific range was 0.4% -7.6%, and the intraspecies ranged from 0% to 0.4%. Conclusion COI, COII and 16Sr DNA can be used to identify the species of the necrophagous flies. This method can be used as a complement to traditional taxonomic methods.