Rural Roots,City Shoots

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China’s vast army of rural migrant laborers is gradually finding a more permanent place in the cities Just months ago,Zhu Xueqin,a 31-year-old migrant worker in Shanghai,couldn’t imagine that she would be in the center of the media limelight as one of three migrant worker deputies of the 11th National People’s Congress(NPC)held in March. When she came to Shanghai from the countryside 12 years ago,she had only a middle school diploma.But her diligence and intelligence have helped her to work her way China’s vast army of rural migrant laborers is gradually finding a more permanent place in the cities Just months ago, Zhu Xueqin, a 31-year-old migrant worker in Shanghai, could not imagine that she would be in the center of the media limelight as one of three migrant worker deputies of the 11th National People’s Congress (NPC) held in March. When she came to Shanghai from the countryside 12 years ago, she had only a middle school diploma. But her diligence and intelligence have helped her to work her way
网络营销正在发生新的变革,今天的消费者已经很难去认可一个毫无活力的、在传统媒体上单向传播的、毫无趣味性和生命力的品牌,拥抱网络营销,成为企业今后营销转型的关键词 I
对27例老年多脏器功能障碍综合征(multiple organ dysfunction syndrome,MODSE)患者作回顾性分析,以探寻影响MODSE预后的因素,并评估急性生理和慢性健康状况评分系统Ⅲ(acute physiology and chronic health evaluations Ⅲ,APACHEⅢ)在MODSE中的应用价值.
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本文对肺心病人69例和健康对照50例的红细胞(RBC)膜带3蛋白(band 3 protein),RBC内、外血气和电解质进行了研究。结果表明,肺心病Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭病人RBC膜带3蛋白相对含量降低,
到目前为止,克隆如牛羊等动物已经不在是什么新鲜话题。人们在谈到克隆时,总是饶有兴趣又心存恐惧地讨论是否会有克隆人出现。  对于这个问题,韩国汉城大学教授黄禹锡表示,鉴于克隆人的危险性、复杂性及其带来的伦理道德问题,“克隆人”在本世纪内不会出现。  黄禹锡是干细胞研究和克隆技术领域的顶尖科学家。近日,他在汉城一个讨论会上说:“我认为我们在今后至少100年内不可能遇到一名‘克隆人’。”  黄禹锡说,克