编者的话: 在一九八七年度中考即将到来之际,为帮助教师指导学生搞好数学复习,本刊特约请伍德斌、吴晨生、朱先保、高光煌、万融等从事数学教学及研究的同志,组成《初中数学基础知识复习与训练》编写组,奉献给大家这份复习参考资料。 各地在使用时,要注意以下几点: 1.要按国家教委制订的新的《中学数学教学大纲》的具体要求来把握复习的深广度。 2.本资料中编有“二次函数”和“一次不等式组、绝对值不等式与二次不等式”的内容,这两部分的知识我省已调整到高中学习,复习时可不使用这部分材料。 3.本资料中题前打有“●”号的例、习题,属较高要求,仅供学有余力者参考。
Editor’s Note: In order to help teachers instructing students to do a good job in mathematics review on the occasion of the 1987 mid-term exam, this magazine offers special invitations to comrades engaged in mathematics teaching and research such as Wood Bin, Wu Chensheng, Zhu Xianbao, Gao Guanghuang, and Wan Rong. The composition group composed of “review and training of basic mathematics in junior high school” was dedicated to everyone to review the reference materials. When using it everywhere, pay attention to the following points: 1. According to the specific requirements of the new “Middle School Mathematics Syllabus” formulated by the State Education Commission, grasp the depth and breadth of the review. 2. The contents of the “quadratic function” and “one inequality group, absolute value inequality and second inequality” are compiled in this document. The knowledge of these two parts has been adjusted to high school in our province. This material may not be used for review. 3. The examples and exercises that are preceded by the “●” symbol in this document are higher requirements and are for reference only for those who have more ability to learn.