说起TCO(Total Cost ofOwnership,总体拥有成本),也许许多人还会感到有些陌生。众所周知,买电脑要花钱,但很少有人意识到,其实用电脑更要花钱,而且这笔费用甚至比买电脑的支出还要高。据Gartner Group的统计资料表明,如果将PC的使用寿命计作5年,那么每台PC 5年中的TCO将高达59438美元,其中包括用户的操作成本、技术支持、行政管理和设备成本等诸多方面,费用之高令人咋舌。因此,在网络技术飞速发展的今天,降低企业电脑网络系统的TCO已成为一大
Speaking of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), many people may feel unfamiliar. It is well-known that buying a computer costs money, but few people realize that its practical computer costs money even more than the cost of buying a computer. According to Gartner Group’s statistics, if the PC’s life is counted as 5 years, then the TCO per PC in 5 years will be up to 59,438 US dollars, including the user’s operating costs, technical support, administrative and equipment costs, etc. On the other hand, the high cost is embarrassing. Therefore, in today’s rapid development of network technology, reducing the TCO of corporate computer network systems has become a major