1915年 7月 14日 ,麦加谢里夫侯赛因·本·阿里秘密致函英国驻埃及高级专员亨利·麦克马洪。信中要求英国支持阿拉伯人反对奥斯曼帝国的武装起义 ,承认阿拉伯人独立和组成一个统一国家。关于阿拉伯独立国家的领土 ,侯赛因建议如下 :“在北部 ,由梅尔辛—阿达纳连线到与北纬 37
On July 14, 1915, Mecca Sharif Hussein bin Ali secretly sent a letter to Henry McMahon, the British High Commissioner in Egypt. The letter demanded that Britain support the Arabs in their opposition to the armed uprising in the Ottoman Empire, recognize the independence of the Arabs and form a unified nation. With regard to the territory of the Arab independent State, Hussein suggested the following: "In the north, by Merseyin-Adana,