研究了酸性铬蓝K(ACBK) 与钒(V) 的褪色反应,褪色程度与钒(V) 量线性相关,借此建立了测定微量钒的分光光度法- 结果表明,有色溶液的最大吸收波长为520 nm ,摩尔吸光系数为1 .1 ×104L/mol·cm ,钒( Ⅴ) 量在0 .0 ~3 .20 mg/L 范围内符合比耳定律- 本法用于测定煤矸石中的微量钒时,获得了满意的结果- 表1 ,参5-
The fading reaction between ACBK and vanadium (V) was studied. The degree of discoloration was linearly related to the amount of vanadium (V). The spectrophotometric method for the determination of trace vanadium was established. The results showed that the maximum absorption wavelength Is 520 nm, the molar extinction coefficient is 1. 1 × 104L / mol · cm, the amount of vanadium (V) at 0. 0 ~ 3. Beer’s law is validated in the range of 20 mg / L - This method is satisfactory for the determination of trace vanadium in gangue - Table 1,