20 0 4年全国射线检测新技术研讨会于 10月 11~ 12日在北京召开。本次会议由全国无损检测学会射线检测专业委员会主办 ,清华同方威视技术股份有限公司承办。来自航空、航天、船舶、兵器、铁路、机械、化工、电子、中科院、中物院、大学及部分国外公司共计 80余名代表参加了会?
The national seminar on new radiation detection technology in 2004 was held in Beijing on October 11 and 12. This meeting is sponsored by the National Institute of Non-destructive Testing Radiographic Inspection Commission, Tsinghua Tongfang Vision Technology Co., Ltd. contractors. More than 80 representatives from aviation, spaceflight, ships, weapons, railways, machinery, chemicals, electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, universities and some foreign companies attended the meeting?