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“工程进度的快慢受多种因素和条件的影响,在工程进度滞后的情况下不能盲目赶进度,不能随意增加工程投资,更不能以牺牲工程质量、影响工程寿命为代价。工程建设项目投资巨大,无论工期多么紧,无论如何加快工程进度,都不能跨越工程质量、安全施工的生命线,否则我们将悔憾终生。”在建设承(承德)秦(秦皇岛)高速公路时,河北省高速公路 “The speed of progress of the project is affected by many factors and conditions, can not blindly catch up with the progress of the project lagging behind, can not arbitrarily increase the project investment, not to sacrifice the quality of the project and affect the life of the project. Huge, no matter how tight the schedule, no matter how to speed up the progress of the project, can not cross the project quality, the lifeline of construction safety, or we will regret the lifetime. ”" In the construction of Cheng (Chengde) Qinhuangdao Expressway, Hebei Province, highway