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西宁市、各自治州人民政府,海东行署,省政府各委、办、厅、局: 《中共中央办公厅国务院办公厅关于进一步治理党政部门报刊散滥和利用职权发行,减轻基层和农民负担的通知》(中办发〔2003〕19号)要求,省、自治区、直辖市政府要办好一份免费赠阅的政府公报。根据中央通知精神和我省财力情况,2004年度,《青海政报》已在一定范围进行了免费赠阅,并向社会进行了免费投放。为了进一步贯彻落实中央通知精神,充分发挥政报在促进依法行政,推行政务公开,加强民主监督,转变政府职能,保障人民群众对法规政策的知情权和对政府施政行为的参与权、监督权等方面的作用,省政府决定,从2005年1月份开始,《青海政报》免费赠阅范围在现有的基础上进一步扩大至省直机关,中央驻青单位及大中型企业,各 Office of the State Council, Office of the State Council, Office of the State Council of the Central Government of the People’s Republic of China, Xining Municipal People’s Government, Haidong Administrative Office, and Provincial Government: General Office of the State Council on Further Controlling Spreading and Utilization of Press Distribution in Party and Government Departments to Reduce the Burden on Grassroots and Peasants (No.2003 [2003] of the People’s Republic of China), the government of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government should do a free gazetted government gazette. According to the spirit of the central circular and the financial situation in our province, in 2004, the “Qinghai Gazette” has made free donations in a certain range and made free distribution to the community. In order to further implement the spirit of the circular of the Central Government, give full scope to the political power in promoting administration according to law, promoting open government affairs, strengthening democratic supervision, changing government functions, ensuring the people’s right to know about laws and policies and their right of participation and supervision over government governance The provincial government decided that from January 2005 onwards, the scope of free gifts for the “Qinghai Gazette” will be further expanded to the provincial authorities, the central green units and large and medium-sized enterprises on the existing basis
A 69-year-old woman was refered because of an episode of amnesia.Three days previous1y,she had driven to her niece’s house,bringing severalgifts for different
目的探讨双源CT在烟雾病诊断中的临床应用价值。方法 39例烟雾病患者行双源CT成像检查,应用去骨和非去骨及多种重建技术。结果双源CT平扫可显示颅内出血及缺血改变。双源CT血
《九曲下着相思雨》,陈枯朽著,中国文联出版社,定价15元。地址:354300 福建省武夷山市公安局陈枯朽。《普子诗草》已再版,寄2元邮资免费赠送,另一本《伊格墨痕》散文诗歌集