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新生儿颅内出血(ICH)是儿科常见的一种脑损伤,主要由缺氧或产伤所致,是新生儿早期死亡的主要原因之一。因出血部位及出血量不同,其临床表现差异较大,给早期诊断带来困难。本文通过临床诊断为ICH的65例病例来分析、探讨其产科病因和预防。 1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料 1991年5月~1997年12月我院儿科共收治新生儿窒息152例,全部做脑CT检查,其中65例诊断为ICH,均符合《实用新生儿学》新生儿颅内出血诊断标准。65例中男38例,女27例。发病时间<出生后24小时58例,出生后24~72小时7例。胎龄<37周7例,37~42周 Intranasal intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) is a common pediatric brain injury, mainly due to hypoxia or birth trauma, is one of the major causes of early neonatal death. Due to different bleeding sites and bleeding, the clinical manifestations of the larger differences to the early diagnosis of difficulties. This article through the clinical diagnosis of ICH in 65 cases to analyze and discuss its obstetric etiology and prevention. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 General Information May 1991 ~ December 1997 pediatrics in our hospital were treated neonatal asphyxia 152 cases, all of the brain CT examination, of which 65 cases were diagnosed as ICH, are in line with “Practical Neonatology” newborns Intracranial hemorrhage diagnostic criteria. 65 cases of male 38 cases, 27 females. Incidence of