张烽的雕塑是建立在学院背景上的——接受正规的学院训练,毕业留校后又正规地训练学生。这大概是许多在美术院校任教的青年教师共同的“宿命”。我们从以下三个方面可以把握张烽的雕塑与学院背景的联系: 首先是对雕塑的信念。显然,在张烽的创作中,我们可以感到他心目中雕塑的“麦加圣地”,他怀着一种几乎是朝圣般的虔诚试图向达个目标迈进。与之相参照的是,时至今日,不少人已经倾向于认为雕塑与绘画之间的界限已不复存
Zhang Feng sculpture is built on the college background - to accept regular college training, after graduating from school and formal training of students. This is probably the common “destiny” of many young teachers who teach at art schools. We can grasp the relationship between Zhang Feng’s sculpture and the college background from the following three aspects: First, the belief in sculpture. Obviously, in Zhang Feng’s creation, we can feel the “Mecca” of his sculpture, trying to reach a goal with a nearly pilgrimage. In contrast, many people have tended to believe that the boundary between sculpture and painting no longer exists