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用冲洗精子宫内授精治疗各种不育原因的35对夫妇。用改良的Biggers,,Whitten和Wittingham氏溶液冲洗丈夫的精液,获得没有精浆的高浓度精子悬浮液来进行宫内授精。接受授精的夫妇需进行精液分析、无透明带仓鼠卵穿透试验(EPT),性交后试验(PCT)抗精子抗体试验(ASAT)以及其他适合不育症的试验以测定不育症的原因。一组治疗后的妊娠率是17%而自发性妊娠率只有7%。性交后试验结果不佳的病人妊娠成功率较大,达到25%,尤其是无透明带仓鼠卵穿透试验正常,则男性生育成功率可达50%。这种治疗对无透明带仓鼠卵穿透试验效果不佳和精子浓度降低是没有帮助 35 pairs of sperm with intrauterine insemination flushing treatment of various causes of infertility. Rinse her husband’s semen with a modified Biggers, Whitten, and Wittingham’s solution to obtain a high concentration of sperm suspension without seminal plasma for intrauterine insemination. Infertility couples undergo semen analysis, no translucent Hamster Egg Penetration Test (EPT), the Sexual Interference Test (PCT) Antitumor Antibody Test (ASAT), and other tests that are suitable for infertility to determine the cause of infertility. A group of treatment after pregnancy rate was 17% and spontaneous pregnancy rate was only 7%. Pregnancy success rate in patients with poor test results after pregnancy was relatively high, reaching 25%, especially in the non-zona pellucida hamster egg penetration test, the male fertility success rate was 50%. This treatment does not help with poorly penetrated hamster-egg-free test and reduced sperm concentration