70 年代以后, 香港皮革业发生了结构性的转变, 由制造业为主转向了以服务业为主。随着中国的改革开放, 香港皮革业也获得了巨大的发展, 其贸易结构发生明显转变, 转口贸易占绝对优势。而下个世纪, 中国在国际市场的地位日益重要, 香港作为内地对外贸易的窗口, 也必将扮演着越来越重要的角色。
After the 1970s, the leather industry in Hong Kong has undergone a structural shift. The shift from manufacturing to service-based industries has taken priority. With China’s reform and opening up, Hong Kong’s leather industry has also achieved tremendous development. Its trade structure has undergone a marked transformation and its re-export trade has become an absolute advantage. In the next century, China’s position in the international market will become increasingly important. Hong Kong, as a window of foreign trade in the Mainland, will also play an increasingly important role.