突出监督重点 促进《农业法》实施

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《农业法》的颁布实施,对于巩固和发展农村经济体制改革成果,保障农业在国民经济中的地位,发展农村社会主义市场经济,维护农民的合法权益,促进农业持续、稳定、协调发展,实现农业现代化具有十分重要的意义。天门市人大常委会在宣传、贯彻《农业法》工作中,采取两个结合的办法,即把监督《农业法》和相关法律法规的宣传贯彻相结合;把落实《农业法》与本市实际相结合,促进了《农业法》的贯彻实施,取得了初步成效。一、采取多种形式,做好《农业法》的宣传贯彻工作。1993年7月,《农业法》颁布以来,市人大常委会及时将宣传贯彻工作纳入了议事日程。一是认真听取和审议了市政府贯彻执行《农业法》的报告。1993年9月市人大常委会听取了市人民政府关于贯彻《农业法》,调整产业结构,发展高效农业情况的汇报。1994年3月,市人大常委会在听取市人民政府《关于“二五”普法情况报告》时,重点审议了关于普及《农业法》的有关情况,委员们建议,要认真组织广大干部和农民学习《农业法》,通过广泛宣传,做到家喻户晓,人人皆知。市政府及有关部门认真落实人大常委会意见,市司法局和农业委员会联合编印了《农业法》、《农业技术推广法》和《农民承担费用和劳务管理条例》问题解答一书25万册,发到全市每个农户。市广播电台、电视台、天门报开辟专题,开展《农业法》知识讲座,使全市学习宣传初步形成了高潮。二是认真办理代表建议、批评和意见。在1994年1月和9月召 The promulgation and implementation of the “Agricultural Law” are of great significance in consolidating and developing the achievements in the reform of the rural economic system, ensuring the status of agriculture in the national economy, developing the socialist market economy in rural areas, safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of farmers, and promoting the sustainable, stable and coordinated development of agriculture. Agricultural modernization is of great significance. Tianmen Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee in the propaganda, implementation of the “Agricultural Law” work, to take a combination of two methods, that is, supervision of “Agricultural Law” and the relevant laws and regulations of the publicity and implementation; the implementation of “Agricultural Law” and the actual city The combination promoted the implementation of the “Agricultural Law” and achieved initial success. First, take various forms and do a good job of propaganda and implementation of the “Agricultural Law.” In July 1993, since the promulgation of the Agricultural Law, the Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee promptly put the publicity and implementation work on the agenda. First, we listened carefully to and deliberated on the report of the municipal government on the implementation of the “Agricultural Law.” In September 1993, the Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee listened to the report of the Municipal People’s Government on implementing the Agricultural Law, adjusting the industrial structure and developing efficient agriculture. In March 1994, the Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee listened attentively to the report on the popularization of the “Agricultural Law” when it heard the “Report on the” “25 Laws of the People’s Government of the Municipal People’s Government, and the members suggested that the cadres should be conscientiously organized Studying ”Law of Agriculture“ with peasants through well-publicized, well-known, well-known. The municipal government and relevant departments earnestly implemented the opinions of the NPCSC. The Municipal Judicial Bureau and the Agricultural Commission jointly printed 250,000 volumes of the first book on the ”Agricultural Law“, ”Agricultural Technology Promotion Law“ and ”Peasants’ Commitment to Expenses and Labor Services Regulations“ , Sent to each farmer in the city. City radio stations, television stations, open the door to open the door Tianmen, carry out ”agricultural law" knowledge lecture, the city’s initial publicity has culminated. The second is to conscientiously handle the suggestions, criticisms and opinions. Call in January and September 1994
(1993年12月6日上海市人民政府第51号令发布) 第一条 为了加强本市营业性游戏机娱乐业的管理,保障营业性文化娱乐活动的健康发展,促进社会主义精神文明建设,制定本办法。 第
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《优秀作文点评》杂志的编辑老师:你们好!我是广东的一名农村中学老师张海燕,一次偶然的机会订阅了本刊,贵刊清新的风格、丰富的栏目内容、很实用的作文方法吸引我。 Editor