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制度与一个社会的经济绩效有着直接的因果关系。在新中国成立之始,为了配合国家的工业化战略,林业被安排为国有产权和集体产权两种产权制度,以便国家把林业剩余转移到工业。在效率压迫和生存威胁下,国家对林业行业产权进行了重新界定。1981年的“三定”政策实际上赋予了林业经济主体产权的排他性。目前我国林业的发展呈现出两种趋势:一是非公有制林业的发展;二是林地流转的加快。林地流转的加快则是产权可交易性的进一步发展。 The system has a direct causal relationship with the economic performance of a society. At the beginning of the founding of new China, in order to cope with the national industrialization strategy, forestry was arranged as a system of two property rights, state-owned property and collective property, so that the state could transfer surplus forestry to industry. Under the threat of efficiency oppression and survival, the state has redefined the forestry property rights. The “three fixed” policy of 1981 actually gave the exclusive ownership of the forestry economy. At present, the development of forestry in our country presents two trends: one is the development of non-public ownership forestry; the other is the quickening of the circulation of forest land. The quickening of the transfer of forest land is the further development of the tradable property rights.
We evaluated a clone trial comprised of 20 ramets each of 40 Eucalyptus camaldulensis clones for growth and fertility at 4 years of age. The clones differed sig
通过对盆栽2年生铅笔柏(Sabina virginiana)、侧柏(Platycladus orientalis)的叶片(枝条)的保水力、根冠比、根系活力、叶绿素、蛋白质、SOD超氧化物歧化酶、饱和吸水时总体
本刊讯 2011年青山纸业安全生产工作坚持"安全第一、预防为主、综合治理"方针,认真贯彻落实国务院、省政府关于加强安全生产工作的一系列精神和决策部署,认真落实"一岗双责",大力
The variation in shoot and root seedling growth traits was compared among three Faidherbia albida(Del).A. Chev. provenances originating from Kenya(Taveta),Malaw