一、课题研究的基本概念、理论依据和操作原则 1.基本概念 绿色教育学本教材:是指在科学发展观的思想指导下,以学 生作为教材开发的第一主体,以满足学生需求为教材开发第一标 准,以促进学生的发展为第一目标,通过学生研究性学习的方式 研究周围环境问题,开发出的可供实现环境教育过程,进而达到 环境教育目标的特殊脚本。在此引用“学本”二字有双重含义: 其一,“学本”是相对“师本”而言的,区分于以教师为主体开发 的教材;其二,“学本”是相对于“教本”而言的,区分于着眼于 教师讲授为主的教学用书。
First, the basic concept of research topics, theoretical basis and principles of operation 1. The basic concept of green education This textbook: refers to the scientific concept of development under the guidance of the idea of students as the first body to develop textbooks to meet the needs of students as a textbook Development of the first standard to promote the development of students as the first goal, through the study of students to study the surrounding environmental issues, developed for the realization of environmental education process, and thus achieve the goal of environmental education special script. In this reference “textbook ” has the double meaning of the word: first, “textbook ” is relative “teacher ” in terms of the distinction between teaching materials developed with the teacher as the main body; “Book” is relative to the “textbook” in terms of distinction between focus on the teaching of teachers teaching books.