植物名:华山参Physochl ainainfundibularis kuang。别名:热参、土参、土人参、野山参。形态:本品为茄科泡囊草属多年生草本植物。茎直立,有时数茎丛生,高30~60厘米,绿色茎茸毛稀少;微紫色茎则密生白色茸毛。单叶互生,叶片卵形,广卵形或三角状卵形,叶全缘成浅波状,有柄。顶生或腋生伞房式聚伞花序,花萼筒状钟形,花冠漏斗状,上部五裂,黄色。蒴果近球形,种子肾形,淡黄色。花期3~4月;果熟期4~5月。栽培方法:(一)选地整地:热参原为深山野生,主要生长在海拔500~700米以上的山沟林荫下湿润之地;喜含腐植质丰
The name of the plant is Physochl ainainfundibularis kuang. Alias: hot ginseng, soil ginseng, soil ginseng, wild ginseng. Morphology: This product is a perennial herb belonging to the genus Solanaceae. Stems erect, sometimes several stems clustered, high 30 ~ 60 cm, green stems and hairs scarce; pale purple stems dense white hair. Leaves alternate, leaves ovate, broadly ovate or triangular-ovate, leaves entire into shallow sinuate, stalked. Terminal or axillary umbrella cymes, calyx tubular bell-shaped, corolla funnel-shaped, upper five-lobed, yellow. Capsule nearly spherical, kidney-shaped, pale yellow. Flowering from March to April; fruit ripening from April to May. Cultivation methods: (1) Site preparation and preparation: The hot ginseng is wild in the deep mountains, and is mainly grown in the land under the shade of ravines with an elevation of 500-700 meters above sea level;