《纯真年代》(The Age of Innocence)是美国著名导演马丁·斯科塞斯1993年拍摄的电影,是根据普利策文学奖首位女性获奖作家伊迪丝·华顿1921年的同名小说改编,剧情主要描述发生于1870年纽约上流社会的三角恋情。本文运用“双性同体”女性主义理论,通过关注影片中男主人公纽兰·阿切尔所体现的女性忧郁特质,以及他与埃伦·奥兰斯卡之间的情感关系,解构纽兰·阿切尔如何在女性意识和男性人格两种力量中挣扎、抵制、反抗,最终归于失败。
The Age of Innocence, a film by the famous American director Martin Scorsese in 1993, is based on Edith Wharton’s first 1921 novel by the Pulitzer Prize for Literature, The plot mainly describes the Triangle affair that occurred in New York’s high society in 1870. This article uses the theory of “all sexes” and “feminism” to analyze the psychological characteristics of women in the movie by the protagonist Newland Archer and his emotional relationship with Ellen Olenska How Lan Archer struggled, resisted, and resisted in the two forces of female consciousness and male personality and finally failed.