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巨大的火球──太阳,既是慈父.也是恶魔 常言道:万物生长靠太阳。人类对太阳的感恩和崇敬,不分国家、不分种族、不分宗教。太阳本对人类的恩惠实在太多太多,但为人类带来的灾难也是一个接着一个。 地球,从前是太阳系火焰的一部分,在宇宙的巨变中分离出来,默默燃烧了亿 Huge fireball ─ ─ sun, both as a father. It is also the devil often said: everything grows by the sun. Humans are grateful and reverent to the sun, regardless of their country, regardless of their race or religion. The sun’s blessing on human beings is too much, but the catastrophe for mankind is also one after another. The Earth, formerly a part of the flame of the solar system, was separated from the tremendous changes in the universe and silently burned
伴有先天性和外伤性悬韧带断裂的白内障严重影响患者视力,近几年来随着超声乳化技术的日益发展,白内障手术日趋完善,但此类患者处理起来仍然是一个难题.我院应用晶体囊张力环(capsular ten-sion ring,CTR)对9例晶状体悬韧带断裂患者行超声乳化人工晶体植入术,疗效满意,现报告如下。