一、引言生活品质(Quality of life)一词源自于西方,又被称做生活质量。早在上个世纪五六十年代,国外的生活品质研究就进入了成熟期。当时发达国家由于过度关注经济发展而引起的一些社会问题,使人们并没有觉得经济的繁荣使他们的生活更好。我国对于生活品质的研究起源于20世纪80年代,在这30多年以来对于生活质量的研究与内容,取得了不少成就与进展,如肯定了测量生活品质的主观和客观双重尺度,肯定了应从满意度和幸福感两个
I. INTRODUCTION The term “quality of life” originates from the West and is also referred to as quality of life. As early as the fifties and sixties of last century, the study of the quality of life in foreign countries has entered a mature period. At that time, some social problems caused by the overdevelopment of developed countries due to their excessive economic development prevented people from thinking that their economic prosperity made their lives better. Our research on the quality of life originated in the 1980s. In the past 30 years, we have made a lot of achievements and progress in the study and content of the quality of life. For example, we affirmed the subjective and objective double measures of measuring life quality, Satisfaction and happiness are two