2000年,内蒙古房地产开发投资保持高速增长态势,全区共完成房地产开发投资近45亿元,比上年增长55.8%,成为全社会固定资产投资的重要组成部分,形成了新的消费热点和国民经济新的增长点。 据了解,在投资完成额中商品房建设完成投资38亿元,住宅投资完成28亿元,分别比上年增长53.8%和57.5%;新增固定资产达29.58亿元,比上年增长60.3%;房地产开发完成投资占全区固定资产投资(不包括农村投资)的比重为12.4%,比上年提高2.4个百分点。 房地产开发投资呈现出以下几个特点:一是增加了经济适用房的投资规模,同
In 2000, the investment in real estate development in Inner Mongolia maintained a rapid growth. The region completed a total investment of nearly 4.5 billion yuan in real estate development, an increase of 55.8% over the previous year, becoming an important part of the total social investment in fixed assets, forming a new consumer hotspot and nationals New economic growth point. It is understood that in the amount of investment completed commercial housing construction completed an investment of 3.8 billion investment in residential completed 2.8 billion yuan, respectively, an increase of 53.8% and 57.5% over the previous year; new fixed assets reached 2.958 billion yuan, up 60.3% over the previous year; Investment in real estate development accounted for 12.4% of the total investment in fixed assets (excluding rural investment) in the region, up 2.4 percentage points over the previous year. Investment in real estate development presents the following characteristics: First, an increase of affordable housing investment scale, with