
来源 :机械工业标准化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiushiaijiujiu
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由《机械工业标准化》编辑部举办的《机械工业标准化》理论研讨会于4月25日至28日在山东蓬莱召开.会上,首先由编辑部方效良代表期刊编辑部、期刊编委、期刊主办单位.向与会代表表示欢迎.向与会代表单位领导关心标准化工作、支持《机械工业标准化》表示感谢.随后.方效良代表编辑部向与会代表汇报了1992年烟台会议以来的期刊工作,在回顾了期刊编辑部机构变动、人员调整后,充分肯定了编辑部遵循办刊宗旨,在宣传报道机械工业标准化的方针、政策方面的及时性,在介绍重点标准制定、实施和实施监督方面的实用性,在专题探讨和论坛中报道内容的知识性和可读性,在介绍企业采标经验方面的可借用性.在国内外标准动态等方面信息的适时性;充分肯定了期刊按时出版、正常运转编辑部同志所作出的努力;肯定了广大通讯员、读者对期刊的支持和关心;期刊以其内容新、实用性强、信息量大和可读性好深受广大读者欢迎.发行量正逐年上升.同时也指出了期刊存在的一些问题.如印刷质量、封面、用纸以及在与通讯员、作者联系方面还做得不够.广告业务没有跟上.发行工作也有待进一步的扩展.成立期刊编委会后,期刊从封面开始有新的改观.并拟将期刊《机械工业标准化》更名为《机械工业标准化与质量》,目前编辑部正在作过渡准备.并表示 The “Machinery Industry Standardization” Symposium organized by the Editorial Department of “Machinery Industry Standardization” was held in Penglai, Shandong Province on April 25 to 28. At the meeting, Fang Yuliang, editor of the editorial department, represented the journal editorial department, periodical editorial board and periodical The unit welcomed the delegates and thanked the leaders of the participating units for their standardization efforts and support for the “standardization of the machinery industry.” Subsequently, Fang Luliang, on behalf of the Editorial Department, reported to the delegates on the periodicals since Yantai’s 1992 meeting and reviewed the periodicals After the changes of the editorial department and personnel, the editorial department fully affirmed the editorial department to follow the purpose of running the magazine, publicize and report the timeliness of the guidelines and policies of the machinery industry standardization, the practicality of introducing the key standards in the formulation, implementation and supervision Thematic discussion and the content of the forum in the report of the knowledge and readability, in introducing the adoption of enterprises to adopt the experience of borrowability in the standard dynamic at home and abroad and other aspects of the timeliness of information fully affirmed the journal published on time, the normal operation of the editorial department The efforts made by comrades; affirmed the majority of correspondents, readers of journals for their support and concern; period Its content is new, practical, informative and readable well received by readers. Circulation is increasing year by year. At the same time also pointed out that some of the problems journal, such as print quality, cover, paper and in the Correspondents, the author also did not do enough contact. Advertising business did not keep up with the publication of the work to be further expanded. After the establishment of periodical editorial board, the journals from the cover to have a new change. And intends to journals “Machinery Industry Standardization” renamed For the “standardization and quality of machinery industry”, the editorial department is currently making preparations for the transition.
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文章的题目源自元代作曲家马致远的那 首小令《天净沙·秋思》:“枯藤老树昏 鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马,夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。”短短几句便外化出悲凉凄苦的精髓,在此沿用前
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