经中国图书馆学会五届理事会第六次在京常务理事会研究决定,中图学会将每年组织参加在世界各国召开的国际图联大会。第68届国际图联大会和理事会将于2002年8月18~24日在苏格兰时格拉斯哥举行。现将会议主要信息通报如下: 1.开会时间:2002年8月18~24日; 2.会议地点:苏格兰会展中心; 3.大会主题:图书馆的生命力:民主、变化、传递。关于第68届国际国联大会的详细信息,可参阅《中图学会工作通讯》2001年第6期的中译稿。
After the sixth session of the Fifth Council of the Library Society of China studied and decided at the Beijing Executive Council, China Chart Society will organize its annual participation in the IFLA General Conference held in various countries in the world. The 68th IFLA Congress and Council will be held in Glasgow, Scotland, from August 18 to 24, 2002. The main messages of the meeting are as follows: 1. The meeting time: August 18, 2002, August 24; 2. The meeting place: Scottish Convention and Exhibition Center; 3. Conference theme: Library vitality: democracy, change and delivery. For details of the 68th International Congress of the Federation, please refer to the Chinese translation of the sixth edition of the “China Association for the Study of Work”, 2001.