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为明确氟咯草酮与二甲戊灵或乙草胺复配的联合除草的作用及其对棉花的安全性,山东农业大学植物保护学院研究人员采用温室盆栽法,测定了各单剂的杀草谱、混剂的联合作用类型以及其在棉花与杂草间的选择性指数。结果显示:氟咯草酮对棉田常见阔叶杂草及部分禾本科杂草有良好的防效,并且与 In order to clarify the role of combination of the combination of fluoxeturon and pendimethalin or acetochlor and its safety to cotton, the researchers at Plant Protection College of Shandong Agricultural University used the greenhouse pot method to determine the killing effect The combination of grass spectrum, mixture, and its selectivity index between cotton and weeds. The results showed that: Flurbarone on cotton broad-leaved weeds and some grass weeds have good control effect, and with
摘要:初中生正处于身体迅速发育的阶段,一些学生由于无节制的饮食,造成体重的快速增加。同时学习时间过长、学习压力过大,造成运动量无法保证。因此初中生中形成了“肥胖学生”这样一个特殊的群体。“肥胖学生”对运动感兴趣与否是提高健身效果的关键,体育课上应针对这一现象,采取主动有效的激励措施,认真研究并把握其特点,充分调动其参与运动的积极性。  关键词:肥胖学生;运动兴趣    一、帮助肥胖学生克服心理障碍