The management of the import of aquatic products in China is closely supervised by the customs at all levels and has the characteristics of centralized management, high tariffs, strict control and bilateral reciprocity. By the year 2000, there are nearly 200 items of tariff tariffs on aquatic products in our country, including fresh products, frozen products, processed products, salted products, canned products and feedstuffs. Most of the aquatic products import tariff preferential tax rate of 15% -20%, the general tax rate of 30% -40%, higher than the tariffs on agriculture, the aquatic products market has played a certain role in the stability and protection. The overall level of tariffs in developing countries is a high level. At present, the overall average level of tariffs on aquatic products in China is around 17%. The simple average bound tariff rate is about 22%. Since the feed fishmeal accounts for a large proportion of the imported aquatic products, it is much lower than the simple average if the weighted average is calculated, and the import weighted average implementation tax rate is less than 30%.