Patient, male, 63 years old, cadre. Due to liver cirrhosis, admitted in June 1996. Give liver protection diuretic, anti-inflammatory support therapy, at 12:30 on July 3 input 10% glucose 500ml, adenosine triphosphate 40mg, coenzyme A100U, 10% potassium chloride 10ml, drip rate 70 drops / min. Liquid into the 100ml, the patient conscious throat itch, chest tightness, poor breathing. Initially considered as caused by ascites, Zhu Huanzhe take semi-sedentary position, given oxygen, slow infusion speed. After 5 minutes, the patient mouth breathing with asthma, facial and lip cyanosis, sweating, blood pressure 9 / 7kPa, breathing 28 beats / min, heart rate 120 beats / min. Lung auscultation: lungs full of noise. Due to coenzyme A and 10% potassium chloride no allergic side effects, so diagnosed as adenosine triphosphate-induced allergic asthma. Immediate rescue: increase oxygen flow, intramuscular injection of dexamethasone 5mg, at the same time stop the input of adenosine triphosphate group liquid to 50% glucose 40ml, 0.5g aminophylline intravenously, oral Astemizole 1 tablets. 15 minutes later, patients with dyspnea can be improved, heart rate slowed, no cyanosis of the face and lips, blood pressure rise, continue to conventional liquid 250ml of 10% glucose, ampicillin 5.0g intravenous infusion, 4 hours after the asthma symptoms disappear completely.