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近期,现实题材电视剧一路向好,一扫前些年电视荧屏上抗日剧、宫廷剧和穿越剧争奇斗艳的戾气,从不同角度反映和折射了正在转型中的我国社会面临的矛盾冲突与现实困惑,在充分体察老百姓的现实境遇与生活追求基础上,展现他们在困顿中的奋力前行、在权衡中的果敢坚定以及在改变中的乐观自信,不但市场叫好,也赢得广大观众的交口称赞。2013年,《咱们结婚吧》、《辣妈正传》、《老有所依》等现实题材电视剧再掀国内收视热潮,从婚恋、育儿和养老 Recently, the realist drama has been making progress all the way, sweeping the anti-Japanese dramas on television screens a few years ago, the court drama and the fierce grudge of passing through the drama, reflecting and reframing from the different perspectives the contradictions and realities confronting our society in transition On the basis of fully understanding people’s realities and pursuit of life, they demonstrated their struggling hard work ahead, determination in determination of trade-offs, and optimism and confidence in change. They not only applauded the market, but also won praises from the majority of the audience. In 2013, “Let’s Get Married”, “Freaky Mom”, “Elderly Persevere” and other realistic theme TV series and then set off domestic ratings boom, from love, parenting and retirement
奥地利微电子推出两款新的LED驱动器lC,新产品具有优化的性能和功能,非常适用于最新型LCD电视的需求。新的驱动器是第三代驱动器产品系列的首批产品,可以在优化图像质量的同时将能耗降至最小。  目前已面市的新型AS382x LED控制器IC包括16信道AS3820和12信道AS3821,可满足直下式和侧光式LED电视最常见架构的需要。两款lC均可提供0.2%的通道间匹配精度,这是目前市面达到的最高精