【摘 要】
Fluorine is in the dynamic balance of two geochemical processes, enrichment and leaching, reflecting the adsorption and desorption of fluoride by clay minerals,
【机 构】
Guizhou Appraisal Center for Environment & Engineering,Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of
【出 处】
Chinese Journal of Geochemistry
Fluorine is in the dynamic balance of two geochemical processes, enrichment and leaching, reflecting the adsorption and desorption of fluoride by clay minerals, respectively. The two geochemical processes of fluorine in soil are influenced by factors including geochemical characteristics of soil and clay minerals, pH and sanity of soil solutions, climate, grazing and agriculture activities. Main factors controlling enrichment and leaching process of fluorine in soil can be found with interaction consideration.
Fluorine is in the dynamic balance of two geochemical processes, enrichment and leaching, reflecting the adsorption and desorption of fluoride by clay minerals, respectively. The two geochemical processes of fluorine in soil are influenced by factors including geochemical characteristics of soil and clay minerals, pH and sanity of soil solutions, climate, grazing and agriculture activities. Main factors controlling enrichment and leaching process of fluorine in soil can be found with interaction consideration.
NO 是在NOS的作用下,以L精氨酸和分子氧为底物,最终生成的。NO对细胞内信息的传递起着重要作用,同时又是杀伤肿瘤细胞的效应分子。NO 可以介导免疫细胞杀伤肿瘤细胞,而体内持续超量的NO,也可
豆儿酱 豆儿酱是北京最为廉价和普遍的年菜了,说也奇怪,一个冬天,只有到了腊月底,家家户户才做豆儿酱,是不是为了构建年味儿氛围?还是过年必需吃这一口儿? 做豆儿酱前,先买脱靴去毛的爪尖儿(猪蹄)两对儿,加作料煮烂,去骨,滗出原汤,煮好爪尖切丁儿;红胡萝卜500克(一斤,一般不用颜色发黄的洋胡萝卜)洗净,切丁儿;干水疙瘩500克(一斤,即用盐腌好、风干的芥菜头)去盐,洗净,发好,切丁儿,均为一厘米
在宋代词坛上,李清照以其创作实绩被推为婉约派的首席代表,“婉约人物以易安为宗”。其词的艺术成就相当高。本文试图以部分词作为例谈谈李清照词清新、率真、执着的特点。 一、清新 首先,景物清新。 以《如梦令·常记溪亭日暮》为例: 常记溪亭日暮,沉醉不知归路。兴尽晚回舟,误入藕花深处。争渡,争渡,惊起一滩鸥鹭。 落霞满天的时节,碧绿的荷塘上,点缀着些粉红的荷花,其间漂荡着一艘小船,船上是一位满脸
泡饭是宁波人常见的食物,用开水泡煮好了的隔夜饭,配上一碟子脆生生的螺蛳小酱瓜,拌上一口好麻油搅入的香腻花生酱,如此这样,便组成了宁波人晨起的第一份膳单。 说起这泡饭,做法极为普通。以隔夜饭及青菜为原料,加大量水加热后,加入盐、味精调味即可食用。泡饭与粥不同,非但全无粥的那种糊糜缠绵,反而米粒清明可辨,菜汁醇润,条理清晰。小小的一碗泡饭,或用调羹舀起,或是用竹筷拨起热热下肚,伴随着腾滚而至的热气,
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