太阳敏感器是卫星姿控系统之一,现在被广泛应用的CCD太阳敏感器已渐渐不能满足卫星小型化、高性能的要求。本文从如何增大太阳敏感器视场并提高其精度这一对矛盾量入手,简要介绍了基于CMOS有源像元传感器(APS)的太阳敏感器的发展现状,并对国外的两款数字式太阳传感器(APS DSS)的原理进行了分析和介绍。
The sun sensor is one of the satellite attitude control systems. Nowadays, the CCD sun sensor which is widely used has gradually failed to meet the needs of satellite miniaturization and high performance. This paper starts from how to increase the field of view of the sun sensor and improve its accuracy. The paper briefly introduces the development status of the sun sensor based on the CMOS active pixel sensor (APS) The principle of solar sensor (APS DSS) is analyzed and introduced.