用ECMWF气象资料和国家气候中心、国家气象中心气温资料对 2 0 0 3年夏季我国华南、江南异常高温天气进行了分析。结果表明 ,高温天气持续时间长、范围广、强度大 ;多项高温天气指标超过历史最高值。鄂霍次克海和乌拉尔山阻高异常强大、稳定 ,使增强西伸北扩的西太平洋副高长时期控制这一地区 ,产生异常高温天气
Based on the ECMWF meteorological data, the temperature data of the National Climate Center and the National Meteorological Center, the anomalous hot weather in South China and South China in the summer of 2003 was analyzed. The results show that the hot weather has a long duration, a wide range and high intensity; a number of high temperature weather indicators exceed historical maximums. The Sea of Okhotsk and the Urals mountain block anomalies strong and stable, so that the enhanced western extension of North West Pacific subtropical high control of this area, resulting in unusually hot weather