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我深知自己没有资格写父亲。我怎么写得出父亲坎坷多难的一生呢?父亲是一棵大树,高树悲风;父亲是一棵秀草,秀而易摧。去年此时,我正和姐妹在协和医院照看病危弥留的父亲。每天走过煤渣胡同往医院给父亲送饭,就能看见胡同口儿的一棵大槐树,已经树叶全无,只剩了枝干,却仍在呼啸的寒风中摇摆,无一丝一毫的懦弱,无一分一厘的退却。那就是我的爸爸呀! 我怎么写得来父亲呢!作为女儿,即便我有天大的能量,也无法写出父亲直面人生的勇敢与不屈,写出他在学术事业上的一丝不苟与耿耿追求,写出他爱国爱民的真诚和执 I know I am not qualified to write a father. How can I write the life of my father’s rough and difficult life? Father is a big tree, high tree sad; father is a show of grass, show and easy to destroy. At this time last year, I was looking after my dying father in Union Hospital with my sister. Every day walked to the hospital by the cinder alley to his father to send food, you can see alley mouth of a large locust tree, has no leaves, leaving only the branches, but still in the whistling wind whistling, without a hint of cowardice No retreat. That’s my dad! How can I write to my father? As a daughter, even if I have great energy, I can not write my father’s courage and unyielding attitude toward life, writing his meticulous pursuit of academic career , Write his patriotic love and sincere people