文章总结了微生物对棉田害虫的防治效果和方法,其中松毛虫杆菌素(1克制剂含300亿个孢子)应用最广泛。用法:每公顷2公斤这种从B.thuringiensis Var dendrolimus晶体芽孢菌血清型的IV基础上制备的松毛虫杆菌素粉剂,加西维因0.3公斤,配成100—200公升药液喷施棉田,杀伤虫率达81—90%。苏联中亚植保所又一试验表明。用每克制剂含1000亿个孢子的松毛虫杆菌素—100,按每公顷0.3~0.4公斤配成50公升药液喷施效果更佳,经济效益较前者提高一倍左右。同时认为喷药效果随气温升高(20℃升至40℃)而提高。全苏农业微生物
The article summarizes the control effect and method of microorganisms on the cotton pests, of which the pine crab element (1 g preparation contains 30 billion spores) is the most widely used. Usage: 2 kg per hectare This is an extract of Trichocateris from the IV of Bacillus thuringiensis var. Dendrolimus serotype, with 0.3 kg of carvedoxacin and 100-200 liter of solution sprayed onto the cotton fields, killing Insect rate of 81-90%. Another experiment by the Soviet Union’s Central Asia Plant Protection Institute showed. With 100 grams per gram of pine caterpillar fungus containing 100 billion spores -100, 0.3 to 0.4 kg per hectare formulated into 50 liters of liquid spray better results, the economic benefits of the former about doubled. At the same time that the spraying effect with the temperature (20 ℃ rose to 40 ℃) and increased. All Su agricultural microbes