
来源 :中国口腔颌面外科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gogl
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目的 :通过锥形束CT(CBCT)分析下颌骨颏孔前区颌骨内的重要解剖结构,提出下颌颏孔前区种植相关手术的安全区域。方法:选取104例患者的CBCT图像资料,观察颏管、下颌切牙管、下颌舌侧管和舌侧孔。对数据进行描述性分析,计算均数和标准差。采用SPSS 19.0软件包对数据进行统计学分析。结果:颏管的发生率为55.29%,平均长度为1.12 mm。舌侧孔及舌侧管的发生率为94.23%,直径平均值为1.77 mm。从下颌第二前磨牙至中切牙,下颌切牙管距唇(颊)侧骨板的距离均小于距舌侧骨板的距离。结论:建议在颏孔前区种植手术或者颏部取骨时,以双侧颏孔前缘6 mm以上,唇侧骨厚度(取骨时)3 mm以内为安全界限;而在下颌前牙区种植时,种植体长度不超过14 mm。 OBJECTIVE: To analyze the important anatomy of the mandible in the anterior region of mandibular mental fonta by cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), and to propose a safe region for mandibular mental anterior pituitary implant surgery. Methods: CBCT images of 104 patients were selected to observe the chin tube, the mandibular incisor, the lingual mandibular canal and the lingual lateral orifice. Descriptive analysis of the data to calculate mean and standard deviation. Data were statistically analyzed using SPSS 19.0 software package. Results: The incidence of chin tube was 55.29% with an average length of 1.12 mm. The incidence of lingual and lingual tubes was 94.23% with a mean diameter of 1.77 mm. The distance from the mandibular second premolar to the central incisor and mandibular incisor canal was less than the distance from the lingual bone. CONCLUSIONS: It is suggested that when the operation is performed in the anterior region of the mental fontanel or the chin bone is removed, the margin should be within 6 mm of the front of the bilateral mental foramina and within 3 mm of the thickness of the labial bone (at the time of bone extraction) Implant length does not exceed 14 mm when planted.
在梦工厂出品的喜剧动画冒险电影《马达加斯加》里,三只搞怪的企鹅以为自己到了爱尔兰,第一反应就是迅速喊着“Riverdance(大河之舞)”一边欢快地跳起了踢踏舞。在全球普通人的心里,《大河之舞》已经可以代表爱尔兰这个国家。  12月11日,作为世界最顶级的演出之一,《大河之舞》在山东省会大剧院上演。作为爱尔兰有史以来最成功的文化作品,它所呈现的不只是高超技艺和丰富的艺术感知,也是“村民舞蹈”的当代