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我是水利水电建设战线一名退休干部。一九五一年我十七岁时参军,随军转业后在水电建设工地工作四十四年。一九九四年退休至今十九年了。过了年八十岁。对童年的这段经历记忆犹新,至今不忘。日军“九一八”占领东北三省,一九三七年“七七”卢沟桥事变后,日军继续向南推进。不久南京、上海沦陷。这时,全国掀起抗 I am a retired cadre on the fronts of water conservancy and hydropower construction. When I was 17 years old, I joined the army in 1951. I worked for forty-four years at the hydropower construction site after I switched to military service. It has been nineteen years since it retired in 1994. After eighty years old. My childhood memories of this experience are still fresh and have not forgotten. Japanese troops occupied the three northeastern provinces in the “September 18th” and the Japanese army continued to push southwards after the Incident of Lugouqiao in 1937 and the “July 7th”. Soon Nanjing, Shanghai fall. At this time, the whole country set off resistance
A two-stage hybrid method is proposed to predict the phosphorus content of molten steel at the endpoint of steelmaking in BOF(Basic Oxygen Furnace). At the firs
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