外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病(vulvovaginal candidiasis,VVC)是女性常见的一种外阴阴道炎性疾患,75%女性一生会罹患1次VVC,近年来其发病率在世界各地呈明显上升趋势〔1〕。VVC患者多有明显的临床症状,如外阴、阴道瘙痒,外阴的烧灼感、阴道疼痛,白带增多呈豆渣样或凝乳状,且易反复发作,严重影响生活质量。如何选择临床效果明显且复发率
Vulvovaginal candidiasis (vulvovaginal candidiasis, VVC) is a common vulvar vaginal inflammatory disease in women, 75% of women suffer from a single life VVC, its incidence in recent years showed a clear upward trend around the world [1] . VVC patients and more obvious clinical symptoms, such as the vulva, vaginal itching, burning sensation of the vulva, vaginal pain, leucorrhoea increased residue or curd-like, and easy to recurrent, seriously affecting the quality of life. How to choose the clinical effect and recurrence rate