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自从在1、2月份杂志上登出《秘密武器》后,许多小朋友踊跃投稿,发挥他们最大的想像力给瘦瘦出主意,如何让爱大吃大喝、挥霍浪费的人不超标准吃喝呢!有人发明药片,有人发明仪器……多多看得出来小朋友们都绞尽了脑汁想办法,还有人给胖胖和瘦瘦画了肖像呢!由于稿件实在太多,多多很难取舍,于是从中挑选了两篇,希望小朋友们继续参加我们的故事续写,说不定下次登的就是你写的。 Since the publication of “Secret Weapons” in January and February magazines, many children have enthusiastically contributed their imagination to lean ideas and how to make love, eat, drink and drink without exceeding standard. Some people invented the pill, someone invented the instrument ... ... I can see a lot of children are racked their brains to find a solution, there are people to the fat and skinny portrait! Because the manuscript is too much, a lot of hard to choose, so pick Two, hope that children continue to participate in our story to write, maybe next time you write.
春姑娘无声无息地来了,来到了蓝蓝的天空,小鸟们从南方飞回来了,鸟儿们长出了新的羽毛,展开双翅向着蓝天飞去。 春姑娘来到了公园,调皮的草弟弟顽强地从地面下钻了出来,把大
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。帅@覃康惠$广西大学附小四(5)班 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. H
Enterprise systems must have the structure to adapt the change of business environment. Whenrebuilding enterprise system to meet the extended operational bound
我院自1990~1998年共收治结肠癌482例,其中结肠癌穿孔急症手术26例,占5.4%。现结合临床资料,分析如下。1临床资料1.1一般资料:26例中男16例,女10例,年龄最大82岁,最小29岁,平均58.2岁,60岁以上13例。1.2 肿瘤部位及穿孔特 In our
镜子不小心从我手中跌落我无力地想要把它们拼起你却告诉我妈妈,忘掉吧因为它已经碎了将来,将来……我们还会有新的 Mirror accidentally dropped from my hands I faintly
qion ni6n帅0 ehi nion沪伯n前年要吃年夜饭,n乙1 naim6ngdet的ntu6nZh的n奶奶忙得团团转xl qi仑sh己0 eh乙。派呜z卜0 Zh6洗切烧炒蒸煮炸eh自fdng xi白ng ge 26 hu6伯n厨房
我是一颗蒲公英的种子,我和我的伙伴们被一位小女孩轻轻一吹飞了出去。 我乘着风,越过高山,飞过黄河,来到了我向往已久的首都--北京。我落在万里长城的城墙上,弯弯曲曲的长城