神龙善舞 独领风骚——大连百货大楼“十五条龙”系列服务纪实

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大连有条天津街,街不宽,也不很长,多少年来,这里一直是商贾云集之地,繁华热闹之所在。天津街上有家百货大楼,前些年,人们来到天津街,无论站在哪一个角度,都可以看到一座挺拔的、鹤立鸡群的大商场,那就是大连百货大楼,全称大连天百集团股份有限公司,简称“天百”。那时候,到大连不去天津街,去了天津街没进百货大楼,那感觉就象到北京没去王府井没进百货大楼一样。 如今,天津街上一座座巨型商厦拔地而起,远者距百货大楼不过一箭之遥,近者仅一墙之隔。地面只有五层高、营业面积仅12000平方米的百货大楼与那些二十几层高几万平方米的现代化新型商厦相比,简直成了“小楼”。比“硬件”,百货大楼显然不占优势。靠优越的地理位置也不再有昔日“一枝独秀”的风彩。天津街上,新老商家竞争之下,出现客源分流、购买力分散的局面。难道百货大楼真的要丧失竞争力了吗?曾经看好百货大楼的一些生产企业断言:大楼完了!“精明”的厂家悄悄做好了转移商场的准备。一时间,大连百货大楼面临走投无路的危机! There are Tianjin Streets in Dalian, and the streets are not wide, nor are they very long. For many years, this place has been a gathering place for merchants and a place of prosperous and bustling. There is a department store on Tianjin Street. In the previous years, people came to Tianjin Street. From any angle, you can see a tall, mall-like shopping mall. That is the Dalian Department Store, which is called Dalian Tianbai Group. Co., Ltd., referred to as “Tianbai”. At that time, when I went to Dalian and did not go to Tianjin Street and went to Tianjin Street and didn’t enter the department store, it felt like I didn’t go to Wangfujing and went to the department store in Beijing. Today, a giant commercial building on the streets of Tianjin rises. The distance to the department store is only a stone’s throw away. The nearest one is separated by a wall. The five-storey department store with a floor space of only 12,000 square meters is a “small building” compared to those modern and new commercial buildings with tens of thousands of square meters. Than the “hardware”, the department store clearly does not have an advantage. In a superior geographical location, there is no longer the old-fashioned “awesome” style. On the streets of Tianjin, under the competition between old and new merchants, there was a diversion of customers and scattered purchasing power. Is the department store really losing competitiveness? Some manufacturing companies that have been optimistic about the department store have asserted that the building is over! The “smart” manufacturers quietly prepared for the transfer of the mall. For a time, Dalian Department Store is facing a crisis of nowhere!
1.糖酒副食:糖精、50度以上普通白酒、50度以下普通白酒。 2.粮油商品:花生油、棕榈油、蓖麻油。 3.纺织品:绦纶色布、涤纶花布、涤纶色织布、纯毛凡立丁、纯毛派力司、纯毛
新的研究表明,吃比萨饼时浇上番茄酱能有助于阻止晒斑形成和皱纹早现。一项研究发现,实验志愿者在12周的时间内食用普通番茄酱,可使他们的皮肤不易被阳光灼伤。 New researc
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