贵州省盘县特区火铺镇茅口组的 类动物群共有 类26属83种(不含未定种),Neoschwagerina 带自下而上可分为Cancellinaprimigena亚带、Praesumatrinaschellwieni亚带、Afghanellaschencki亚带、Neoschwagerinadouvillei亚带和ChusenellaishanensisYabeinagigantea等5个亚带。研究结果表明,贵州地区茅口阶底部最早出现的Neoschwagerina类群以及与其共生的Cancellina分子在不同剖面不尽相同,茅口阶底界的精确对比尚有待于进一步明确代表该地茅口阶底界的 类标志种。
The flora of Maokou Formation in Huopu Town, Panxian County, Guizhou Province has 83 species (excluding undetermined species) of 26 genera, and the Neoschwagerina belt can be divided into Cancellinaprimigena, Praesumatrinaschellwieni, Afghanellaschencki, Neoschwagerinadouvillei Sub-belt and ChusenellaishanensisYabeinagigantea other five sub-belts. The results show that the earliest Neoschwagerina group at the bottom of the Maokou step in Guizhou Province and the Cancellina molecules symbiotic with each other are different in different sections. The exact comparison of the Maokou order boundary is still to be further clarified. Class logo.