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  Job was not a brilliant man, yet he taught me about the essence of a “real man”. He 1 for work on time and he loved only one woman—his wife, Molly. He loved me as his very own grandchild, 2 he was a year younger than my father.
  I will never forget my 3 from high school, a hopeless day for me. My father, a 4 drinker, began his celebration early in the day, so 5 we celebrated in the gymnasium, my father had 6 himself through nearly a case of beer. I tried to be invisible 7 a sea of faces. I wanted no one to guess whose kid I was. 8 , I was betrayed by my last name, which began with the letter “A,” so I was the first graduate on the first row. The speaker decided to use me as his audio-visual 9 .
  “This bright young lady...”His voice rolled through the auditorium, as I 10 lower in my seat. At the door of the auditorium was a 11 arrangement for the “elderly.” And there sat Molly and Job, with all of the grandparents. My heart 12 when I looked at them, wishing that I were 13 their grandchild.
  As the speaker continued with his speech, he reached a point where he had an 14 urge to introduce “all the wonderful people who have made this day possible!”
  “All the graduates, please stand.” I slipped lower in my seat, 15 hurriedly around, hoping to remain 16 .
  “Now, all the parents, please stand. ” Dear Lord, I thought, I’m sure my father can’t stand, even if he wanted to. I didn’t bother to 17 .
  “Now the grandparents...”I closed my eyes, dreading the 18 of my situation. I had no grandparent to stand for me. I finally opened my eyes, and there they were, Job and Molly, standing 19 with all the other grandparents.
  “I’m so proud of you,” he looked at me and smiled as he 20 the words that I will never forget. I knew that he stood there, not out of duty, but because of his love for me!
  1. A. showed up B. showed off
  C. came over D. turned in
  2. A. as if B. even though
  C. now that D. in case
  3. A. departure B. celebration
  C. congratulation D. graduation
  4. A. light B. heavy
  C. serious D. terrible
  5. A. at one time B. behind time
  C. by the time D. on time
  6. A. congratulated B. celebrated
  C. observed D. kept
  7. A. during B. under
  C. below D. within
  8. A. Thus B. However
  C. Though D. Whereas
  9. A. aid B. equipment
  C. facility D. help
  10. A. hid B. sank
  C. covered D. hanged   11. A. parking B. smoking
  C. seating D. living
  12. A. thrilled B. ached
  C. danced D. frightened
  13. A. truly B. actually
  C. exactly D. properly
  14. A. unbelievable B. unacceptable
  C. uncontrollable D. Unapproachable
  15. A. gazing B. staring
  C. glancing D. glaring
  16. A. invisible B. silent
  C. remarkable D. vague
  17. A. look into B. get around
  C. break up D. look around
  18. A. motivation B. depression
  C. hope D. hopelessness
  19. A. quickly B. hurriedly
  C. proudly D. happily
  20. A. shouted B. spoke
  C. said D. mouthed
  For many of us, one Christmas stands out from all the others. My own “truest” Christmas began on a rainy spring day in the most 1 year of my life.
  Recently divorced, I was in my 20s and had no job. I had no umbrella, for my old one had 2 ,and couldn’t 3 another one. I sat down in the streetcar—and there 4 the seat was a beautiful silk umbrella with a silver handle. I 5 the handle and saw a name. The usual 6 would have been to 7 the umbrella to the conductor, but I decided to find the owner myself.
  Then I 8 a telephone book for the 9 on the umbrella and called. A lady answered. She said 10 that, it was her umbrella given by her late parents and added it had been stolen. Later, she wanted to give me a reward, but accepting money would have 11 something.
  The next six months I was able to obtain only 12 employment for a small salary. My last job ended the day before Christmas, and my thirty-dollar rent was soon 13 . 14 a miracle happened, I would be homeless in January, foodless, jobless. God had completely forgotten me. What was to 15 us?
  I got home, Peggy had set our kitchen. Looking at those pans and cans, I felt 16 . The doorbell rang and Peggy ran 17 to answer it. A delivery man. “This is a 18 ,” I said, but he read the name on the parcels and there were for me. A huge doll, three times the 19 of the one I had bought for her. I looked for the name of the sender. It was the teacher, and the address was 20 “California”.
  Our dinner that night was the most delicious I had ever eaten. I forgot I had no money for the rent and only fifteen dollars in my purse and no job. I had some hope again.
  1. A. uncomfortable B. glorious
  C. splendid D. miserable
  2. A. fallen apart B. taken apart
  C. broken down D. broken up   3. A. use B. afford
  C. take D. choose
  4. A. in B. around
  C. against D. below
  5. A. examined B. researched
  C. inspected D. glanced
  6. A. means B. approach
  C. procedure D. process
  7. A. hand out B. take over
  C. take in D. turn in
  8. A. found B. searched
  C. sought D. investigated
  9. A. address B. clue
  C. name D. brand
  10. A. in surprise B. with patience
  C. beyond doubt D. with grief
  11. A. destroyed B. spoiled
  C. disappeared D. missed
  12. A. temporary B. permanent
  C. contemporary D. vital
  13. A. mature B. prompt
  C. punctual D. due
  14. A. If B. Unless
  C. Since D. Though
  15. A. become of B. come across
  C. run after D. hunt for
  16. A. hotheaded B. hardhearted
  C. coldblooded D. brokenhearted
  17. A. quickly B. rapidly
  C. hurriedly D. swiftly
  18. A. drawback B. misunderstanding
  C. coincidence D. mistake
  19. A. weight B. size C. height D. capacity
  20. A. exactly B. actually
  C. simply D. definitely
1. We’d better go home soon. Look, the black clouds are gathering, that a big storm is on its way here.  A. explaining B. indicating  C. expressing D. grasping  2. The exposure of footballers’ cheatin
1. With good treatment and care, Professor Smith unbelievably from heart attack in a week.  A. remained B. returned  C. retired D. recovered  2. — You look unhappy. Why?  — I’m always when I don’t get
1. The villagers in Barotopa, Bangladesh who have no connection with national electricity net have to electricity due to a solar energy project run by Grameen Shakti, a non-governmental organization i
1. I often complain to Mom that , are larger than mine.(bedroom)  我经常向妈妈抱怨苏珊和杰克的卧室比我的大。  2. By comparison, we can see that the fully-grown giant panda the one at birth.(weight)  相比之下,我们可以得知一只成年的大熊猫是它出
1. The teacher said, “ ”. (great)  老师说:“莎士比亚是一个伟大的作家。”  2. It’s known to all that in 1876. (invent)  大家都知道电话是1876年发明的。  3. John said to the manager for the accident. (blame)  约翰跟经理说他不应该为事故受到指责。  4. No
1. , I would have asked him about it. (see)  如果我昨天看见了他,我就会问他这个事情。  2. But for your help, .(find)  没有你的帮助,我不可能找到这个地方。  3. If the lawyer had been here last Sunday, from going to the company. (prevent)  
1. It was careless of us .(forget)  忘了锁门,我们真是太大意了。  2. In such bad weather, Tom  rather than go out for playing. (prefer)  在这么糟糕的天气里,汤姆宁愿呆在家里,也不愿意出去玩。  3. They hurried to the station only . (leave)  他
A  The Voice of America began during the World WarⅡ. When Germany was broadcasting a radio program to get international 1 , American officials believed they should 2 the German broadcast with words th
1. It is no use about this. (argue)  跟他争论这个没有用。  2. When they got back home, they found they . (leave)  当他们回到家,发现他们让水一直流着。  3. With , the newly elected president smiled happily. (settle)  带着很多需要解决的问题,
1. I (不知道) whether he can spare some time to help me. (idea)  我不知道他是否能抽空帮我。  2. I read about it in some book or other; does it matter ? (which)  我在某本书上读过这个,是哪一本有关系吗?  3. It seems . (as)  看起来好像要下雨了。  4