天还没大亮,窗外还是一片浓重的铅灰色。她从梦中醒来,下意识地翻了个身,发现昨晚给他铺好的床原封未到,又是一夜没回家。她心里怏怏不快。她翻身下床,从竖柜里拿出那个花包袱。那实际上是一个质地柔软的花头巾,这是她俩相爱时,他特意给她买的。她很珍惜这块花头巾,一看到它,心里就产生一种美滋滋的情感。总舍不得戴它出门,怕它经受风吹日晒的摧残。她过门之后,经常用它包裹一些针头线脑一类的细小物品,她攒下的钱也都放在里边。 “怪哉!”她思索着,“昨天我卖了一头大肥猪,
Day is not yet bright, the window is still a thick lead gray. She woke up from the dream, subconsciously turned over and found that the bed last night to his paved the way intact, but also did not go home overnight. Unhappy in her heart. She rolled over and pulled out the flower bag from the vertical cabinet. It was actually a soft flower headdress, which was bought by her when she was in love. She cherish this flower headdress, saw it, my heart will have a kind of sob’s emotions. Reluctant to wear it out, afraid of it to withstand the devastation of the sun and wind. After she had gone through the door, she often used it to wrap up small items such as needle and brain, and the money she saved was placed inside. ”Blame!“ She pondered, ”Yesterday I sold a big fat pig,