在冷库的制冷工艺中,常见的是以氨为制冷剂的制冷系统。由于其工作的特殊性,一般不能停机,即使停机,时间也不能太长。鉴于这些特点,氨制冷系统中压力容器的检验及附属设备的检验,就需要有特殊的对策。1 氨制冷系统中压力容器的结构和特点氨制冷分为压缩、放热、节流和吸热四个主要热力过程。其系统中的压力容器的形式是类同的,
Refrigeration in the cold storage process, the common ammonia refrigerant system for the refrigeration. Due to the particularity of its work, it is generally not possible to stop the machine. Even if the machine is stopped, the time can not be too long. In view of these characteristics, the inspection of pressure vessels in ammonia refrigeration systems and the inspection of ancillary equipment requires special measures. 1 Ammonia refrigeration system in the structure and characteristics of pressure vessels Ammonia refrigeration is divided into compression, heat release, throttling and heat absorption of four major thermal processes. The pressure vessel in the system is similar in form,