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今年是全面落实分行党委建立健全惩治和预防腐败体系20132017年工作规划的开局年。中央在全国开展以为民务实清廉为主要内容的党的群众路线教育实践活动。作为一名基层行纪检监察干部,有几点想法,愿与大家共商榷。一是抓好重要风险点的防控治理。今年,要抓好总行确定 This year is the first year to fully implement the work plan of the party committee of the branch that set up and perfect the system of punishing and preventing corruption in 2013-2017. The Central Government has carried out education and practical activities of the party line with the principle of putting people’s practice and incorruptibility into practice throughout the country. As a grass-roots discipline inspection and supervision cadres, there are several ideas, is willing to discuss with everyone. First, grasp the prevention and control of important risk points. This year, we must do a good job of the head office
10 Top banana  坐在公共汽车上的小羊陶陶,被坐在旁边用英语交谈的两位叔叔吸引住了。陶陶一向就喜欢英语,偷偷听起了他们谈话。  其中一位胖叔叔问高个子叔叔:“Who’s your top banana?”  高个子叔叔回答:“Mr Li. ”  陶陶听到这儿,感到十分的纳闷:胖叔叔的问话是什么意思?他问的是香蕉,可是高个子叔叔怎么回答的是人呢?  陶陶想不明白。在自助餐厅,陶陶一边吃东
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