Ambarzumyan Theorems for Dirac Operators

来源 :应用数学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq635306700
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We consider the inverse eigenvalue problems for stationary Dirac systems with differentiable self-adjoint matrix potential.The theorem of Ambarzumyan for a Sturm-Liouville problem is extended to Dirac operators,which are subject to separation boundary conditions or periodic (semi-periodic) boundary conditions,and some analogs of Ambarzumyan’s theorem are obtained.The proof is based on the existence and extremal properties of the smallest eigenvalue of corresponding vectorial Sturm-Liouville operators,which are the second power of Dirac operators.
他从家乡南浔走出去  今年是我国著名的报告文学家、诗人徐迟诞辰一百周年。  徐迟曾用了66个水晶晶来形容他的家乡湖州南浔。鱼米之乡是水晶晶的。这个水晶宫一般的千年古镇,是徐迟生于斯、长于斯的家乡。徐迟的出生就富有传奇色彩,在他的自传《江南小镇》(后改为《江南小镇—我的文学生涯》)中对此有如下叙述:“我家本也是书香门第,我也是出生在一个近代概念的教育实业家的家庭里。原先我们还比较殷实富足的。我的曾祖
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